This is where you can find sermons from Spokane First Shadle Campus. If you were not able to be with us Sunday, or you've never heard of us, and you want to listen to the teaching of God's Word, check us out here!
Generational Freedom
In this message Pastor Rob teaches on the fact that we are not only able to overcome generational sin cycles, but we are able to create generational cycles that bring God the glory. We first must Love God, continue to always be learning more about God and always be Lead by God. In Exodus 20:6 God says that he will bless to a thousand generations those that love Him and keep His commandments! #blessed #morethanblessed #waywaymorethanblessed #exodus20:5-6 #freedom #freedomfromgenerationalsin #wineiswine #stopblamingyourparentsforyourchoices