This is where you can find sermons from Spokane First Shadle Campus. If you were not able to be with us Sunday, or you've never heard of us, and you want to listen to the teaching of God's Word, check us out here!
Busy Busy Busy
If you are anything like us and most Americans today, you are busy. We have so much to get done and so little time to get it done in. Join us as we go through the story of Martha and Mary and see what Jesus has to say about being busy. Jesus himself was very busy!! He had a mission to accomplish but He was never too busy to love His people. Can we live the Christian life that we have been called to and be busy at the same time? Can we be obedient to Jesus and have a lot going on at the same time? Well let's take a listen and see... #busybusybusy #busybusydizzyinthebestway #keepyoureyesonjesus #jesuswantsyounotwhatyoucanbring #allowtimewithjesus #hashtag